Recycling does not really save you lots of money - unless you manage to sell stuff on e-bay, or to companies that buy up recovered materials etc or your composted food waste saves you buying commercial compost. For most of us though, recycling is not going to make or save us vast amounts. Why do it then? The main reason is to save natural resources through reusing component materials.
What can you recycle - Local authorities in Northern Ireland - to varying degrees - offer recycling facilities and home collection of waste paper, glass, plastics and garden waste. They also facilitate home composting through provision of composting bins.
Belfast City Council website gives information on recycling in the city.
Buy your clothes in charity shops - There are lots of these in every town in Northern Ireland. There is some amazing quality stuff at a fraction of the price of new. You may need to shop around more and grab stuff when you see it but there is plenty of good stuff to be got. And not only clothes but furniture, books, crockery and bric-a-brac. Plus the money you spend goes to helping people rather than lining the pockets of rich investors.
What can you recycle - Local authorities in Northern Ireland - to varying degrees - offer recycling facilities and home collection of waste paper, glass, plastics and garden waste. They also facilitate home composting through provision of composting bins.
Belfast City Council website gives information on recycling in the city.
Buy your clothes in charity shops - There are lots of these in every town in Northern Ireland. There is some amazing quality stuff at a fraction of the price of new. You may need to shop around more and grab stuff when you see it but there is plenty of good stuff to be got. And not only clothes but furniture, books, crockery and bric-a-brac. Plus the money you spend goes to helping people rather than lining the pockets of rich investors.
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