Wednesday, September 06, 2006


My 94-year-old great-aunt is ill in hospital and probably has not long to go. She is very weak but lucid and in no pain. She has lived a long, healthy and independent life - living on her own until she was taken into hospital last week. She is an intelligent and religious woman and no doubt well-prepared for her end. If only we all could get the chance to live as long a healthy and independent life as she has.

My great-aunt has never smoked or drank. As a Presbyterian she no doubt has lived a quiet and ordered life. It really does seem to be the answer to living a long and healthy life.

Voluntary Simplicity, to my mind, presents an opportunity to live a healthier lifestyle. Just because you do not spend much money certainly does not mean you cannot eat well or get slack because you can't spend money on gym membership. Quite the opposite! I eat more healthily probably than most people I I know and now that I try to walk and bike wherever I go I certainly get more exercise than I ever did before.

Luckily too I live in a country where medical treatment is affordable and, indeed , largely free. I never have to worry about health insurance. Let's hope it stays that way.

People spend so much time ignoring and even abusing their health through smoking, overeating and substance abuse. It is a great blessing and a great form of wealth. No amount of material wealth can guarantee you health (although having money can go a long way to help you in extremis). Health is a great treasure - one that will be exhausted eventually. You will get sick and you will die no matter how rich you are. My great-aunt's life and current situation reminds me how precious health is for us all and how looking after it is more important than making money or indulgence in luxury.


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