Saturday, August 12, 2006

Head in the Sand

I had an interesting experience yesterday. KFC came up in a conversation at work - one chap who had worked as a kid for KFC and liked his chicken stuck his fingers in his ears when I mentioned the cruelty that goes into making the greasy slop that passes for food at KFC. He only removed them when he was assured the we had changed topic.

I was fascinated at how this guy obviously realised the horror of what goes into fast food but rather than take responsibility and change or even examine his eating habits he simply preferred to pretend it wasn't happening. It is really indicative of how our whole society sticks its fingers in its ears where ethical concerns conflict with personal comfort or pleasure. How can this be ever changed?

PETA have produced a video about the appalling conditions on the farms where the birds used by KFC are reared. The chickens are selectively bred to produce specimens whose breasts are so overdeveloped that they can barely stand up. Below is a video presented by Pamela Anderson. I don't know if they consciously chose her given the subject matter but you have got to admit there is a certain comic irony in it. Whatever else she may do you can't fault Pammy for her animal rights position.


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